Repeat pattern design for organic skincare company

04 July 2019


Last year, I was asked by the great people at Design Room Cornwall to provide a repeat pattern for some packaging for organic skincare company Trevano. Sometimes the wheels of packaging turn slowly, so I've only just set eyes on the finished boxes. I'm excited to share it with you. 


The print was to form part of some updated packaging which Design Room were working on. The brief was to highlight the range of plants that Trevano use when making their organic skincare. A lot of the plants have really interesting shapes and look beautiful, so naturally I had to incorporate loads of hand drawn plants into the pattern. I really like drawing plants, especially when I can do so from observation. I was lucky enough to have a lot of the herbs they use growing in my garden so was more than happy to spend some time outside drawing from observation.


I'm really pleased with the result and think the girls at Design Room have done a fab job translating it into packaging. It's a bit more low-key than some of my other work but I quite like being able to work across a wide range of styles. It makes for a much more interesting job. What do you think? Let me know!


Pattern design for Trevano Skincare by Elly Jahnz


Repeat Pattern created for Trevano Skincare by Elly Jahnz


Historical botanical illustration and old-fashioned prints played a huge inspiration when I was designing the print. I wanted the customer to feel they were holding a handful of fragrant herbs when they held this print. 


Jasmine Illustration by Elly Jahnz for Trevano


Heady Jasmine


Lavender illustration by Elly Jahnz for Trevano Skincare


Calming Lavender



Aromatic Rosemary


Sage illustration for Trevano by Elly Jahnz


Cleansing Sage


Thyme illustration for Trevano by Elly Jahnz


Delicate Thyme